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Natural Health Products – What You Need to Know

…breastfeeding Women who experience heavy menstrual periods Women who have gone through menopause People who have had gastric bypass surgery for weight loss People who have a medical condition that…

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What You Should Know Before You Start A Weight Loss Plan

…Body Mass Index (BMI) Over the past twenty years, Canadians have become more familiar with specific measurements related to health, such as cholesterol levels and blood pressure readings. When it…

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Nutrition for Weight Loss: What You Need to Know About Fad Diets

…fad diet is a weight loss plan or aid that promises dramatic results. These diets typically don’t result in long-term weight loss and they are usually not very healthy. In…

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Sexual Dysfunction (Women)

…you have problems with sex, healthcare providers call it “sexual dysfunction.” Both men and women can have it. There are 4 kinds of sexual problems in women: Desire disorders –…

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Healthy Ways to Gain Weight If You’re Underweight

…headaches. Fertility issues. In women, low body weight can lead to irregular periods, lack of periods and infertility. Hair loss. Low body weight can cause hair to thin and fall…

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…enlarged or diseased spleen can cause anemia, too. You have blood loss that creates a shortage of red blood cells Heavy periods may cause low iron levels in women. Internal…

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Postpartum Depression

…a loved one has serious thoughts of suicide or harming others. OVERVIEW Are mood changes common after childbirth? Yes. After having a baby, many women have mood swings. One minute…

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Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) – Common Sexually Transmitted Infections

…If you are having any symptoms or have any questions, please call 811 to speak with a registered nurse 24 hours a day. Pubic lice (crabs) Symptoms: Women and…

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…a rare condition that women can get during pregnancy. It is sometimes called toxemia or gestational hypertension. It occurs when pregnant women experience a sudden rise in blood pressure along…

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…infections and skipped or absent periods in teen girls and women. If blood sugars are extremely high, people can develop diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). This is a very dangerous complication of…

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