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Changes in Your Body During Pregnancy – Third Trimester

…Strange dreams, which some women have in the last weeks of pregnancy. Your baby’s movements Sex You might lose the desire for sex, partly because of your size and partly…

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Endometrial Cancer

women who are older than 50 years of age and have gone through menopause. A high estrogen level can increase your risk. Obesity, diabetes, or high blood pressure can affect…

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Fecal Incontinence

…incontinence is the inability to control bowel movements. This leads to stool (feces) leaking from the rectum at unexpected times. It is more common in women and in the elderly…

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HELLP Syndrome

…doesn’t stop easily, including from your gums, nose. or other places. Seizures or convulsions can happen but are also rare. Because many healthy pregnant women also have these symptoms late…

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Intrauterine Growth Restriction

…have IUGR? Generally, no. IUGR usually doesn’t occur in another pregnancy. But in some women, it does happen again. Women who have another pregnancy affected by IUGR usually have an…

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Vitamins and Minerals – How to Get What You Need

…Who might not get enough? Boys ages 9 to 13 years Girls ages 9 to 18 years Men older than 70 years Women older than 50 years Vegans, vegetarians, lactose…

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Kidney Infection

…infection (UTI). Women tend to get kidney infections and UTIs more often than men. This is due to the shape of female anatomy. How is a kidney infection diagnosed? It’s…

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Bleeding During Pregnancy

…cause is usually unknown. It’s rarely something the mother did wrong. Most women can have healthy pregnancies in the future. If you have lost more than 3 pregnancies, contact your…

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Back Pain During Pregnancy

…reason for healthcare provider visits. Most women who are pregnant have some degree of back pain. Women who had prior back pain or are overweight are at higher risk of…

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Pregnancy – What to Expect When you Are past Your Due Date

…last menstrual period. However, some women can’t remember the first day of their last period or aren’t sure when they got pregnant. It can be especially hard to estimate an…

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