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Diabetes and Heart Disease

…Weight loss is important if you have a lot of extra weight around your waist and abdominal area. People who tend to carry extra weight around their waist are more…

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Head Injuries

…Drainage of bloody or clear fluids from ears or nose Weakness or numbness in the arms or legs Loss of consciousness Seizures CAUSES What causes a head injury? There are…

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Health Guides – Health is a State of Mind and Body

…to achieve quick weight loss. However, for lasting changes, there are some simple keys to eating healthy. It is helpful to learn more about eating healthy to give your body…

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Hydration – Why It’s So Important

…active, or if you have a fever. Vomiting and diarrhea can also lead to rapid water loss. Be sure to actively drink plenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated….

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

…that comes and goes Blood in your stool Low appetite Unintended weight loss Other less common symptoms may include fever, joint pain, eye problems, skin problems, and feeling tired (called…

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…dimness or loss of vision, particularly in one eye Trouble talking or understanding what others are saying Sudden severe headache with no known cause Sudden unexplained dizziness Falling or unstable…

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…Unintended weight loss Loss of appetite Chills and night sweats If TB affects your joints, you may develop pain that feels like arthritis. If TB affects your bladder, it may…

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…that wakes you up at night Feel full fast Heavy feeling, bloating, burning or dull pain in your stomach Vomiting Unexpected weight loss CAUSES & RISK FACTORS What causes ulcers?…

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Understanding Your Teen’s Emotional Health

…are common health issues that teens face. The following may be warning signs that your child is having a problem: Agitated or restless behavior Weight loss or gain A drop…

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Your Child’s Weight – When It’s Time to Intervene

…I consider a weight-loss program for my child? If you become concerned about your child’s weight – either because you notice that they seem to be gaining weight, are showing…

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