Poison Ivy
If you are having any symptoms or have any questions, please call 811 to speak with a registered nurse 24 hours a day.
What is poison ivy?
Poison ivy can be found in every province except Newfoundland and Labrador. It has 2 forms. One form grows low to the ground. It is usually found in groups of many plants and looks like weeds growing from 10 to 80 cm (4 to 31.5 inches) high. The second kind is an aerial vine that may climb from 6 to 10 m (6.5 to 11 yards) high on trees, posts, or rough surfaces. Both have stems with 3 leaves. You may have heard the old saying, “Leaflets three, let it be.” This is because most people are allergic to poison ivy.
What does a poison ivy rash look like?
A poison ivy rash will usually begin to appear 1 to 2 days after coming in contact with poison ivy. The affected area will get red and swollen. A day or so later, small blisters will begin to form, and the rash will become very itchy. During this time, it’s important to try to keep from scratching the blisters. Bacteria from under your fingernails can get into the blisters and cause an infection. After about a week, the blisters will start to dry up and the rash will start to go away. In severe cases, where the poison ivy rash covers large parts of the body, it may last much longer.
How does poison ivy cause a rash?
The poison ivy plant contains an oil called urushiol (say: “oo-roo-shee-ohl”). This oil “bonds” to skin when it comes in contact with it. Most people are allergic to it. If you are allergic to urushiol and you get it on your skin, you’ll develop an itchy, red rash. You can get the oil on your skin by:
- Touching the poison ivy plant
- Touching any clothing, including shoes, that have come in contact with the plant.
- Touching any gardening tools that may have the oil on it.
- Touching any pets that have been around poison ivy and have gotten the oil on their hair.
- Burning the poison ivy plant. The oil from the plant is carried in the smoke.
How is poison ivy treated?
Urushiol can bond to your skin within minutes. If you think that you’ve come in contact with poison ivy, you need to wash the area with plain cool water as soon as possible. This may help to get some of the oil off your skin. Because urushiol can remain active for a long time, be sure to wash your clothes, shoes, tools or anything else that may have touched the plant (like camping, sporting, fishing or hunting gear).
If you develop a poison ivy rash, it will go away on its own in 1 to 3 weeks. Several over-the-counter medications are available to relieve the itching, including:
- Calamine lotion
- Antihistamine tablets (one brand name: Benadryl)
- Oatmeal baths
Contact your health care provider if:
- You have a fever over 37.8° C (100° F )
- The rash covers large areas of your body
- The rash is in your eyes, mouth or on your genital area
- There is pus coming from the blisters
- The rash does not get better after a few days
- Do I have poison ivy?
- How did I get poison ivy?
- Can I give the poison ivy to someone else?
- What treatment do you recommend?
- What is the best way to stop the itching?
- Should I take an antihistamine?
- What cream or ointment would you recommend I use?
- Do I need to wash my clothes and gear separately from anything else?
- I have poison ivy in my backyard. Is there a safe way to get rid of it?
- If my symptoms don’t go away, when should I call my health care provider?