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Gambling Addiction

…continue to gamble. Men or women of any age can be problem gamblers. Depression, drinking and taking drugs often go along with problem gambling. Problem gamblers may also think about…

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder

…Canadians in any given year. Women are more likely to have it than men. It usually begins to affect people when they are in their early 20s. Symptoms of generalized…

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Heart Attack – Medicines to Treat Heart Attack

…increase in the level of potassium in the blood. Risks. Because ACE inhibitors can cause birth defects, pregnant women should not take this type of medicine. In rare cases, ACE…

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Heart Attack – Warning Signs and Tips on Prevention

…men have heart attacks, although heart disease and stroke is the leading cause of death for Canadian women. How can I avoid having a heart attack? Contact your family doctor…

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Heart Murmurs

…older. Most go away on their own. Pregnant women also sometimes have innocent heart murmurs because the body makes extra blood during pregnancy. Other heart murmurs are caused by problems…

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…People whose parents had hemorrhoids may be more likely to get them. Pregnant women often get them because of the strain from carrying the baby and giving birth. Being overweight…

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High Cholesterol

…cholesterol checked. Women aged 50 and older or who are post-menopausal should also have their cholesterol checked. People who have heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure or who have…

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

…and occurs more often in women. IBS also has been called functional bowel syndrome, irritable colon, spastic bowel, and spastic colon. SYMPTOMS What are the symptoms of IBS? Common symptoms…

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Kidney Stones

…common in women. It usually forms after a chronic urinary tract infection. These stones are usually made of ammonia. Uric acid stone: A uric acid stone forms when there is…

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Microscopic Hematuria

…antiseptic wipe (to clean yourself) and a sterile urine collection cup. In the bathroom, wash your hands with soap and warm water first. For women: Use the antiseptic wipe to…

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